


So I just scraped under the wire for my Christmas blog. I lose track of time when I’m writing and when my wife mentioned that it is actually Christmas Day tomorrow and where were all her pressies, I casually mentioned that everything was under complete control. As if. I’ve been up since the crack trying to find bits of wrapping paper she’s abandoned so I can wrap her gifts. Then, because I’ve been sneakily buying bits and pieces over the year and squirreling them away, trying to remember in which cupboard/drawer they were hidden.

One of the reasons I’m running late is the fairly hectic schedule this year, a new book being edited, another that I’m a third of the way through writing and a rather heavy-duty film script. It’s based on a true story of a massacre in France during the war, and uncovers the reason why so many were slaughtered in cold blood. It involves gold and corrupt, greedy bankers – who’d have guessed? I finished writing it yesterday and now I have to let it chill a while (no pun intended) and get a more objective perspective. It’s been a long haul this one because I had to invent most of the story while still keeping the core truth of the events. But, I’ve already completed half a dozen edits and rewrites to reach the point where I am happy to hand it over to the producer which I shall do in January.

Other news is that for the past few months I have been working with web designers to create my own website. It’s almost finished and will be up and running in the New Year. I’ll give you all the details as soon as I’m happy that it’s running smoothly. We’ll have links to social networking sites and of course – Twitter, about which I’m rather nervous. There’s so much trivia scuttling about and eat the same breakfast just about every day – except Sunday when I have a fry up. There, you see? Trivia.

I hope you all have a safe Christmas, and find some joy beyond opening presents. Spare a thought for those who can’t. No matter how modest, a donation to any of the charities will always benefit someone you don’t even know or an animal in distress.

“I will honour Christmas in my head and try to keep it in my heart all the year.” Charles Dickens.

See you all in 2010.