
A Reader Writes

A Reader Writes

My thanks to Maya, who very kindly sent me a letter about The Devil's Breath.


I really liked your book, it somehow draws you in. You know you said it was mainly aimed at at boys? I think that it is great for girls too. Maybe the cover and title suggest that it is more suitable for boys... the plot is interesting, it's rather like the sort of thing that I try to write, in fact it was so interesting that I read it in two days! I think my favourite characters are the bushmen, they're really intriguing and I like the shamanic element. It's a good length although the trek through the desert went on a bit too long and I found myself wanting to move on to the action. It's the sort of book that makes me want to read more. I would recommend it to my friends and I lent it to my friend Leila and she loved it too.

A Reader Writes